Advocacy for Making Indian Roads Safer
In our endeavor to unlock the potential of safer roads, we have often taken the road less traveled by raising our voice for regulatory frameworks that matter.

A survey by Economic Times found that 79% of the 1.13 lac respondents supported the ban. Surprisingly, even the people who said that they consume alcohol, supported the verdict.
As per a cause-wise analysis by the National Crime Records Bureau, over speeding accounts for 59.6% of the total accidents (2,60,898 out of 4,37,443 cases)which caused 86,241 deaths and injuries to 2,71,581 persons. Dangerous/careless driving or overtaking caused 1,12,519 accidents(25.7% of total accidents) which resulted in 42,557 deaths and injuries to 1,06,555 personsduring 2019. 2.6% (11,303 out of 4,37,443 cases) of such accidents were due to poor weather condition. Whereas, driving under influence of drug/alcohol contributed 1.7% of total accidents which resulted in injuries to 6,675 persons and 2,972 deaths in the country.
The cause – wise analysis of fatal road accidents revealed that 55.7% (86,241 out of 1,54,779 deaths) and 27.5% (42,557 out of 1,54,779 deaths) of fatalities in road accidents were due to over-speeding and dangerous/careless driving or overtaking respectively.